Essure Procedure

Pros and cons, side effects, stories and concerns about Essure

Essure Procedure » Stories

Shelby’s Story

I was talked into Essure in March of 2011. My OB/GYN told me being a diabetic this would be a better procedure for me over having surgery and having to be intubated with surgical healing after. The literature I read showed the procedure as being fairly standard. My OB/GYN said he had done many of them and that I could even have it done in the office. I chose to have it done. I had it done, spent the next 4 months driving back and forth to the Doctor’s office with pain and bleeding and non-stop issues. Pains, depression, lethargy, inability to function physically at times, weight gain are all things that I had after this procedure. In July of

Kim’s Story

In 2008 I went to my Doctor for excessive bleeding. I ride horses in competition. My Doctor who I had used for several years suggested that I have an ablation. He said that I could be back riding my horses in 2-3 days after the procedure. I asked lots of questions about the ablation. I was excited. I did not want to have a hysterectomy & due to my age I thought that taking hormonal birthcontrol was not a good option for me to control the bleeding. At the very end of our discussion the Doctor mentioned that he noticed that I had never had my tubes tied. He told me that since I’d never had my tubes tied I

Tiffany’s Story

I had the Essure procedure done on November 1st 2012, after giving birth to my second daughter on September 12th 2012. I was told that this procedure was more effective than a tubal because of the design of it. I opted for this procedure thinking it was a good decision because I had a 1 year old at home that I needed to be there for and didn’t want to go under for a tubal. I had so many women tell me how they had given birth even after having tubal’s and I didn’t want to risk it. We have four children together my husband and I, so didn’t want to further push our families stability or our children’s health

Jenny’s Story

I am hesitant to post my story on the site, but have decided that my voice needs be to heard. My husband John and I have been married for six years, and I have always wanted children. But unfortunately, I was born with Cerebral Palsy, and while the disability does not prevent me from having children, it complicates the situation. Over the years I have developed arthritis in my hips and I have been working with my Gynecologist on plans for when and if I become pregnant. At my August 2012 yearly appointment my doctor told me that my arthritis has gotten to the point where pregnancy would be dangerous for me and recommended that I not have children. I

Liza’s Story

I had the procedure done in June 2008 thinking that it was an easy alternative than tubal ligation. At first, the surgery went without a hitch, but I had a mild period for 2 months. Afterwards, I had bleeding after intercourse on occasion but I thought my husband was just a bit to rough during intercourse. Then, the pelvic pain started to happen during and/or after intercourse where sometimes I had to hide in the bathroom from my husband to cry for about 8 to 10 minutes. Once the pain subsided I would then notice some bleeding the following day. I went to see the doctor who placed them and explained to him my situation. I was told that I

Shawn’s Story

I had this procedure after my divorse in 2006.  I had 5 children already and did not want more.  The doctor talked me into this procedure, rather than having my tubes tied, due to being a single mother and needing to get back to work.  I was happy with the procedure, as far as birth control. After reading this and hearing from a friend who works in a GYN office about all the issues, I realized that perhaps I have been feeling bad, due to this? I have no energy, often have unexplained head aches and cramping.  I am and have been in menopause since last August 2012, thought perhaps the cramping was due to that.  I also have pain

Nicole’s Story

I am the mother of four wonderful children. All under the age of 8 at this point! I had tried other birth control in the past but had suffered from negative symptoms. My regular ob office has very kind doctors and nurses and they listened to everything I had to say about finding a permeant form of birth control. That’s when I stumbled across Essure. I asked my doctor about it, but she couldn’t really give me any answers. She said from reading the brochure is sounded wonderful and wished me luck on any further research. I promised to keep them updated on whatever happened. In all my research online all I could find were good things about Essure. I

Shannon’s Story

I had this procedure done March 2011. Ever since the procedure I have had cramping, but didn’t think much of it and thought I will just see what the HSG shows. Well sure enough, the left coil was not in my tube. It had curled around and looked like a horseshoe. Once my Doctor received the results he called me and said that it looks like the coil perforated out of my tube and out of my uterus and could possibly be stuck to my bowel and that I would have to have surgery to fix/remove the tube and remove the coil. So one week later I had a laparoscopy. My Doctor initially said that they removed the tube, but

Stephanie’s Story

I had the Essure procedure done in 2009, shortly after having my second daughter. My husband and I felt our family was complete and my ob/gyn suggested this procedure because it was supposed to be simple, relatively painless and have a shorter recovery time than tubal ligation. The procedure was quite painful but I didn’t start having real problems until later. I developed an allergy to polyester soon after I had the coils inserted, but it did not occur to me that it could possibly related to the coils. Last week I spoke with someone at Conceptus and found out that the coils have polyester fibers in them. I have had multiple anaphylactic reactions to all kinds of strange things

Amanda’s Story

I had the Essure procedure done in March of 2011. I’m 24 years old and I have two children. I wasn’t aware of the problems with the Essure ahead of time; my Doctor told me how great it was and really convinced me this would be a great idea. Well it wasn’t! My periods were normal, like clockwork before the procedure and were always very manageable. Now I dread that time of month. I throw up every morning during that time, and the pain I have on both sides of my lower abdomen becomes so horrible that I have to constantly be on pain medication in order to function with my kids. If I’m off of the medication the pain