Essure Procedure

Pros and cons, side effects, stories and concerns about Essure

Essure Procedure » Stories

Cassandra’s Story

Hello my name is Cassandra I am 34 years old. I’m not sure if my problem is caused from my Essure, but I was not aware of the problems behind getting them and me and my bf asked so many questions.  After my first born in 2002  I took birth control pills. But convinced on those. Had a little boy in 2005, I also conceived a girl in 2007. I’ve always had heavy period too. After my last pregnancy in 2011 I asked to have my tubes tied my insurance did not cover it only Essure. I refused. In the past three years I’ve had 3 miscarriages so bad that I’ve almost died in the er from blood loss. I

Dodie’s Story

I had the Essure procedure done in 2007. I was told by the doctor that it would be risky for me to have another child, that it could kill me. I had four children, my youngest being born 6 weeks before the procedure was done. I had opted for the tube tying. My doctor at Rose Medical in Denver suggested that I do the Essure. They told me it was safe, I wouldn’t have to be knocked out, and I’d be back on my feet that same day. I went for the procedure. I had to go to the hospital as an outpatient. I remember being wheeled back on the bed. I remember waking up. My tooth was broken during

Jennell’s Story

I had my baby girl in 2011, my husband and I decided she would be our last. Before she turned one is when I decided to make sure there will be no more babies. I talked to my doctor (this was in Colorado when I lived there) about what was best for me. The first thing he said was the Essure. Well I decided that would be best with one in school and two little kids to take care of all day with barely any to no recovery time was totally awesome for this on the go mommy! I found a doctor who would do it and made my appointment. I went in and got out. That day and for

Rebecca’s Story

Hi. I’m Beca & this is my story. Sept 2008: I gave birth to my youngest son. His birth was difficult yet wonderful but also meant that at 23, I had 3 children. I had also been told after child 2 that any future pregnancies would be high risk due to trauma sustained while delivering child 2; for this reason I started discussing permanent birth control with my ob/gyn. I knew I didn’t want any risk of becoming pregnant so we (my now ex-husband, doctor, & myself) decided sterilization was the way to go. I had 3 kids under the age of 6, was a full-time student & employee, & had many other things happening in my life; so when

Ashley’s Story

I had the Essure placed in my body in 2010 after my fourth child. I have had complications since then. Since having the Essure coils placed in my body, my periods are seriously heavy, that last 7 tor up to 10 days. I have to use tampons and pads and sometimes even have to change both of them hourly. I have serious passing of huge blood clots. I have symptoms of menopause and I am only 35 years old. I am highly irritable , I have hot flashes. I have bloating and have had weight gain. I have dizzy spells and nausea and have mysterious rashes that I have come to believe are an allergic reaction to the nickel in

Tameka’s Story

I had my Essure for 9 years and I have never have a normal period since most of the time I have every symptom of a period with out bleeding but the pain is tenfold, debilitating headaches and back -leg -uterine cramps.

Kelly’s Story

My name is Kelly, I am 27 years old and have 4 beautiful children. I had my last child October 2013 I told my dr that I wanted my tubes tied and he said that Essure would be the best option for me. I said a few more times that I just wanted my tubes tied but he kept saying how much easier this would be on me and that there was no surgery so no down time which would be great since I have four kids. I had Essure placed in November of 2013 by December I was feeling different, weak, no energy, very moody, headaches. I started my period when I was 10 years old and never had

Cornelia’s Story

after starting to have seizures in october of 2005 and two boys i got pregnant with with my daughter in 2008 and in febuary of 2009 i had her so in march i had my surgery to get the essure done well the dr had to make sure that my neurologist had already signed the paper work stating it was ok for me to have the surgery never in my life have i dealt with so much sickness in my life my period feels like having contractions with triplets,throwing up for two days, some months its heavy that i go through 48 pads some months its so light i go through 20 and im only 39 years old

Nadia’s Story

My story is similar to many of those already posted. I chose essure as I never did well with any other form of contraception. So after my last child my gyn told me about this option. All seemed well until I started getting terrible heavy periods, major clots, and generally feeling unwell. Depressed, irritable, headaches etc. I’ve gone back to my gyn and told him and never did he tell me that my issues could be down to essure which annoys me as I trusted him. He suggested two procedures, one of which is a hysterectomy (I’m 44) and this really freaks me out as feel too young for this drastic option. I’m wondering if he has suggested this due

Elizabeth’s Story

I had the Essure Inserts put in after my second child in June 2013. Since then I have had heavy bleeding, cramping, and excruciating lower back pain on my left side that never goes away.