Essure Procedure

Pros and cons, side effects, stories and concerns about Essure

Essure Procedure » Stories

Barbara’s Story

Hi my name is Barbara, My story is very similar to the rest of yours. I had the essure procedure done about 2 years ago. A friend of mine had the procedure and said she recommended it, her friend had it done as well and recommended it too. And my Ob Gyn highly recomended it. I thought this is the answer. I am now 48 yrs old and looking for birth control. I smoke and am 20 pounds  over weight. I have limited birth control options. This, I thought was the answer. Well I felt different instantly. I spoke to my friends, they were not having any issues. It must be me. My periods got much heavier and cramps were AWEFUL! I was bleeding for 2

Ruth’s Story

I had Essure done in late 2008 early 2009. I started having issues but did not associate it with essure as I was told there was no side effects. My periods became irregular in that it would come a week,  go away and come back two weeks later as a dark bloody discharge then go away and come back as a regular period a week later,  sometimes it would come for there weeks go away for one then come back a week later. I started gaining weight even though I was somewhat active and my tummy just stated growing at a rapid rate even though I was doing abdominals. I just started looking very pregnant. Then I stated feeling jabs

Elayne’s Story

I wished that I have not of gotten this procedure done. Im from Canada, heard all good things about it in 2010. I thought about it 2011 I got essure done, not thinking about the side effects or possiblites of the pain its causing now. Side effects on me is depression, emotional roller coaster, cramping down there feels like birth conratctions at time, heavy flows that can soak a pad within an hr, bleed from 3-7days, period comes unnanounced, weight gain, head aches. I so want it out but when I hear law suits and all, heard you cant sue the company its self, I looked into it. So what do I do, confused 36yrs canadian. Scared to get a

Deirdre’s Story

  My nightmare with Essure              I was 27 and pregnant with my youngest daughter when I was asked if I had considered sterilization. The mid-wife in my OB/GYN’s office asked me this because I experienced a lot of health problems after the birth of my first daughter, Jordyn, only 10.5 months before. My blood pressure had spiraled out of control and they were unable to put me on any kind of birth control due to this. When the mid-wife asked me this at my first OB appointment, I agreed that it would probably be best because I was going to be high risk with Haleigh. At a later appointment we went through the papers for the Essure coils

Randi’s Story

i had the essure implanted about 3 yrs ago ,ever since i have had horrible right sided pain when ovulating and extremely heavy bleeding, my dr. wanted to give me the oblation but i opted out figuring it wouldnt help the pain,i am currently undergoing gene testing to check for a cancer gene so i may have to have a hystorectomy anyway, but i do believe that the essure was the cause of all my problems , all my test have come back normal, so i see no other explanation , i really just want them removed , not to mention the terrible headaches that all the doctors contribute to stress or my diabetes, im just totaly over it all

Sarah’s Story

Hi, my name is sarah sky needham. I am writing this in complete concern for my unborn child, my past complications and the well being of family. My husband and i just found out we are about 8 wks along 08/17/14, which mind you we are greatful for lifes beauty. At the same time we are experincing a little sense of the job dropping aw effect. Over a year ago my doctor performed the essure procedure, and like a good girl (no sex) until dye test was performed. The test showed the procedure was succsessful. We were very happy about our decision, beings how 09/08/2014 is our 1st child we have togethers 3rd birthday. plus my husband and i have

Jackie’s Story

I am a 36 year mom, almost 3 weeks post op from a total hysterectomy I did not want, but had to have due to previously having the Essure procedure. From the time of having the Essure procedure, symptoms started automatically. Pelvic and abdomen bloating with cramping slowly started. After about 6 months, the symptoms got worse. I was doubled over in pain,  missing work, family time and not able to function normally. After 2 months of CT scans, ultrasounds,  ER visits and MRI ‘ S,  a hysterectomy was scheduled. I had adhesions and inflammation all over my pelvic organs, bladder and colon. When my doctor was explaining the procedure, it sounded perfect for me. But not until a few

Angeline’s Story

My name is Angie my daughter Denise had this essure put in 2011 she is 26 now she is in a lot of pain she has 3 children. Denise needs help to remove the essure without the high cost the insurance company will not pay for this but they will pay for a hysterectomy. i don’t understand the insurance company will pay for a hysterectomy and have a patient take all kinds of medication for the rest of her life but will not pay to have this essure removed makes no sense. i need help. thank you Angeline Kamon

Helen’s Story

I thought it was just me!!!!! I had the Essure proceedure done in april of 2009.  I didnt notice issues until 2 years later. It seemed to me that I was always in pain. My stomach just hurt all the time.  It felt like I was ovulating.  My lower abdomen was tender to the touch.  I seemed to have pain at least 3 weeks out of  4. I started a pain journal. I have been worried that I had irritable bowel syndrome, or something much worse. Someone described it best when she said it feels like barbed wire is in my stomach. Since December of 2013,  I  have progressed to either being in pain or being nauseated all the time. I am grabbing at straws trying to get this resolved.  I have no

Laura’s Story

My name is Laura, I am 28 and had the surgery done September 9th 2014 when I was 27(bday was 22nd) and I thought that this was the best gift I could give to myself with my baggage. The doctor assured me I could have Essure removed in the future if I so desired. Have bipolar, borderline personality disorder, OCD, ADHD, and a buffet of meds including morphine and oxycodone for my already crippling back. My back surgeon told me I could become paralyzed if I didn’t lose weight before I was 30 and successfully lost 100 pounds but my OB said Essure was an effective birth control, not mentioning sterilization or the fact it contains PET. She had told