Essure Procedure

Pros and cons, side effects, stories and concerns about Essure

Essure Procedure » Stories

Sofia’s Story

I had the Essure procedure in 2009.  In November 2011, I went to the bathroom and when I wiped, I saw that one of the coils had come out.  I called the OBGYN that had done the procedure and they said they never heard this happened before.  I wiped the coil cleand and placed it in a ziploc bag.  I took it to them and they said they had to keep it in order to talk to the manufacturer.  My husband said I shouldn’t have given it to them.  Since then I have pains in my left lower abdomen and when I urinate I see pieces of white tissue in my urine.  My back hurts, I have no energy, my

Nicolle’s Story

My name is Nicolle and in December of 2007 I had my second daughter. About 2 weeks after I had her, I became very ill and was in and out of the emergency room for about a week until they found that blood clots had formed in my lungs. Through a long hospital stay and medicine I was able to recover. Because of the blood clots the doctors refused to let me take birth control. I went for about a year with no birth control when my doctor mentioned the Essure. She said it would be perfect for me since I already had 2 kids and there was no hormones in this type of birth control. I agreed to it

Krystal’s Story

When I became pregnant with my son, my doctor and I had planned and scheduled a c-section so that I could have my tubes tied at the same time as delivery. However, when I went into labor, there was no time for the c-section and I was able to actually deliver naturally. This was exciting as the recovery time was so much better and I was able to experience everything – but it left me without getting my tubes tied at delivery. Trusting my doctor, I agreed to have the Essure coils placed as permanent birth control. What she didn’t tell me was how painful everything would be after the fact. My cramps and periods were way worse, I began

Nichole’s Story

Hi I have had the essure for a year and five months now after my triplets. I have six children three Girls 18,16,3 and my triplet boys who are 20 months. I never, been one to be a heavy bleeder or. Get cramps until now a year after having the essure placed when it’s time for me to start my cycle I. Get really bad pains and heavy bleeding. Today was by far my worst experience ever I was in tears I. Couldn’t walk, light headed, abdominal pain, bleeding, weakness just worst. Pain ever I layed down hoping I would feel better but I actually felt worse I’m still in pain wondering if anyone has experienced this also?or does everyone

Helen’s Story

So now the battle begins.  It’s always a fight. 750,00 women that have had success, and 10,000 of us that are the casualties….the co-lateral damage.   But Bayer isnt concerned about the few women that are ‘complaining.’ Makes you wonder if relatives of Bayer are walking around with this potential time bomb in their abdomen. Probably not.  Meanwhile those of us that are in the minority, ‘the winers’ are just fighting to be heard. I know it will  be an uphill battle.   I know I am going to meet doctor’s that aren’t taking this serious.  My current Dr. is just as unsympathetic as members on the board of directors  for Bayer seem to be.  I have Rheumatoid Disease, and so I am told more often than

Victoria’s Story

I’m suppose to undergo the procedure on halloween. Today I received the depo shot. My doctor is all for it but my mind is really second guessing this. I have no idea.

Sherry’s Story

At age 48 I had the Essure procedure done – well, almost.  I went in the office to have the procedure done and was told it is not painful.  They give you the pain meds and a shot in the hip and start the procedure soon after.  I found it to be extremely painful!  I remember saying that I would have preferred birthing all three of my children all over again, one after the other than to experience that pain.  Anyhow, after the first coil was supposedly inserted, we decided it may be to my advantage to do the second coil under sedation.  Before I had that appt. scheduled, I decided that I would rather have a tubal ligation done. 

Leticia’s Story

Hi my name is Leticia, I got this procedure done in 2011 after the birth of my last baby. I had gone to Kaiser to go through the required class to get my tubes tied and burned right after the delivery of my daughter. During the delivery they wanted to force me to take the epidural shot and I refused it several times. I told them I did not want that shot in my spine and they finally stopped insisting. I had signed the agreement to get my tubes tied and burned after my delivery and when the time came for that they told me that they could not do that because I needed to get the epidural for the

Benita’s Story

Hello I’m on here to tell you all about my medical issues with the Essure that I have incountered over the years and still today. So this is how it began In. In 2008 I was looking for a birth control and being that I can’t take the birth control pills or shots because of the side affects that I have with them my doctor told me about the Essure and how it’s fairly new but there is no side affects and it’s a perment and I would never have to worry about any thing again. Any way my doctor sent me to a specialist who would perform the procedure to have them inserted. After I had them inserted I

Annique’s Story

After my third son, we were done!  We were closing up the factory, leaving the playground open and moving past the baby making years.  I was apprehensive about going under the knife for a standard tubal ligation.  I discussed that fear my my ob-gyn, and she suggested Essure.  They scheduled me for 10 weeks after post pardum to get the procedure done in the office.  In and out.  She showed me pictures of the implantation and said she saw no more babies in my future.  She scheduled me for a 3 month dye test, where they’d inject dye into my uterus via cervix, and if there was no signs of dye in my fallopian tubes, than I was blocked off,