Essure Procedure

Pros and cons, side effects, stories and concerns about Essure

Essure Procedure » Stories

Martha’s Story

Hello, I am Martha. I had the esure procedure over 5 years ago. Since then, I have had very heavy menstrual that never seeems to end and itchy skin. The itch is so bad that it prevents me from getting a good night sleep. Memory loss seems to be stepping in at age 43. After reading an article, finally realize that I have some of the same symptoms as other ladies who had the same procedure. I am so glad that I found this website and able to share my story with others who have have been suffering. Special thanks to Erin who is the voice and hero for all women.  

Sylvia’s Story

Well where do i begin, I had my last child November 2013 and she is now 16 months. My husband and I had decided our family was completed with our two daughters so I decided to have the essure proceedure done because family member recommeded the proceedure because she also had this done and was satisfied with the outcomes.  March 2014 I had the procedure done and in June 2014 I had my follow up appointment to make sure the scar tissue formed according to the products info sheet. The test came back negative and so we were in the clear.  I had normal mentral cycles for 3 months straight then begin having spotting periods. I was feeling lots of

Pamela’s Story

I had the Essure procedure done at my doctors office in June 2012. My doctor of over 20 years did the procedure.  from the moment the coils were put in I had pain. My doctor told me this would subside. However, it did not. After several days of Vicodin and being in bed,I called my doctor. I was then scheduled to have an abdominal ct scan.  The  next day my doctor called to tell me the ct scan showed one of the coils had punctured my fallopian tube on the right side. She advised me I would need surgery to have the coils removed. I agreed and had the surgery of course this was a couple weeks after. My doctor

Tiffany’s Story

In 2012 after the birth of my daughter I decided to get fixed.  I had my son in 2007, a miscarriage in 2011, and my daughter in 2012.  I knew I was content with just two children and I inquired about getting my tubes tied.  I was informed that the hospital I gave birth in was catholic and they did not do this type of procedure.  My OBGYN mentioned the Essure procedure, said it could be performed in office and there would be no down time, just some mild cramping and said that the success rate was great.  I was given a pamphlet that mostly listed positive details about the procedure.  Since my Essure implants 3 years ago I have

Alicia’s Story

I had the Essure placed on Dec. 08, 2014. Like many women I failed to research the product and felt if my OBG DR suggested it to me it was safe enough and that I shouldn’t have anything to worry about. It sounded like the best thing other than TUBAL LIGATION SURGERY. The words ‘Non Invasive’, ‘No CUTTING’, AND ‘No Visible Scars’ seemed almost TO GOOD TO BE TRUE!!! SHOULD HAVE KNOWN… Well from what I  REMEMBER symptoms started around late JAN. 2015. I remember always feeling very tired and almost never left my bedroom. I remember my cousin asked, ‘What’s wrong? … what do u feel?’ MY answer was , ‘I don’t know. I’m confused. It’s a lot of

Tiffany’s Story

I got Essure in November of 2008 after my third child. It was suppose to be a quicker recovery time. It wasn’t, I bleed for 8 months after the procedure and was in constant pain which my doctor told me was all in my head. She wouldn’t listen to me and I was in so much pain I needed help so I turned to the streets to get relieve. I was always in pain and the more I told my doctor the more she told me it was in my head. I had three kids to take care of and my pain would let me off the couch, my headaches last any where from 3 to 5 days, my periods

Mary’s Story

I had the Essure procedure done in 2006 at the age of 35 and my life  has been a nightmare ever since.  Shortly after the procedure I started having debilitating abdominal pain, fatigue and depression. Eventually I began having other symptoms and was diagnosed with Guillian Barre and Myasthenia Gravis. I was also having bowel issues and went gluten free. I was never tested for Celiac disease, but am pretty sure I have it considering how my bowel issues improved after leaving gluten out of my diet. I have also become sensitive to lactose. I eventually had to be lactose free as well. As time has passed my depression has worsened and I have anxiety with panic attacks. I have

Melinda’s Story

Im not ready to tell my whole story as Im just learning about all the isues about ESSURE in which I had put in back in 2004, there after having Gastric Bypass. Since then I have lost alot of weight and gained ome back, but during all of my journeys I have had so many different health struggles and for whatever reason I hadnt heard a word about there being medical issues on the essure. Now after reading and hearing local news reports that this precedure has caused so many women so many problems, Im scared, I have gone through the list and I have 40 of the symptoms, being ones that my regular PCP blows me off as being

Dahiana’s Story

When I search for the essure side effects after feeling all this migraine headaches that aren’t normal, nausea, and back pain I was in shock. I just have the procedure done on 11/4/15 I don’t know what to do know. I hope there’s a way my doctor can take this things out of my body, and I can’t believe how they still have this product on thr market. We need to stand together for ourselves as women’s we need to fight fot our rights and the health insurance should paid for all the cost to have them removed, they paid so we can have it inserted and I bet they know more about the problems that this product cause than

Cecile’s Story

   On m’a posé les implants Essure le 16 avril 2015. Tout allait bien jusqu’en décembre 2015, début de mon cauchemar. Les réactions allergiques se sont enchaînées.  Cela a commencé par de l’urticaire au niveau des cuisses. Au fil des jours, les réactions allergiques se sont intensifiées dans le temps et physiquement: 2 la première semaine, 1 jour sur 2 la 2ème semaine puis tous les jours. J’ai fait 2 oedèmes: lèvres qui enflent, difficultés à déglutir, vertiges,… et 2 pertes de connaissance. Tous les résultats aux examens que j’ai passés sont normaux (angioscan, électroencéphalogramme, prises de sang, tests allergiques), tous…sauf le test de dépistage au nickel (que j’ai demandé) qui est positif (2 marqueurs). En ce moment, je suis sous antihistaminique. Vais-je être