Essure Procedure

Pros and cons, side effects, stories and concerns about Essure

Essure Procedure » Stories

Carolyn’s Story

There is nothing safe or 100% sure these days! Everyday we take risks. I took this risk 9yrs ago and yes it has affected my life. I lay here in a hospital bed in pain recovering from a hysterectomy that I had to have because my uterus was so enlarged and the heavy bleeding of my periods monthly. I am like any other woman, who does not want anymore kids, tried all kinds of birth control products, this one being the longest called the Essure has caused me more problems than any. I developed heavy bleeding, pain in the abdominal area, bloating and high blood pressure. My uterus was the size of a 4 month pregnant woman. I first went

Shelly’s Story

My name is Shelly, and just had a visit with my OBGYN regarding all my pain (back, abdominal, skin irritation, bloating)  I felt like I had to fight for the way I felt, defending myself, u see I don’t go on web m.d., but I felt as if the doctor just rolled his eyes as if because of Erin Brockovich being involved it was a joke.  It really hurt me bacause I felt very strong about my issues with the Essure, ( I had the procedure in September 2010),  I went to a back doctor with no success, physical therapy, dermatologit’s regarding my skin irritation, all with no success,  I see the articles with Erin and it’s as if I

S-J’s Story

Well having read alot of stories about Essure,  I decided to put my two cents in.  I had my procedure done in August 2012,  I was really happy that it was a painless option,  also my partner liked the fact there was no surgery.  What a crock,  first off there was a problem with the probe,  then they had to position me correctly,  I was doing great,  keeping up a brave face,  even though it hurt like hell, They finally go the job done, I don’t really understand what happend,  but my blood pressure dropped suddenly,  I wanted to vomit/pass out,  was wheeled into the recovery room and was monitored very closely.  I had suffered from TSS,  which they said

Barner’s Story

GM FB, so I’m on day 3 of Healing. This is Public Service Announcement for anyone who is considering getting the ‘Essure IMplant’ as a Birth Control. My strong advice IS DON’T DO IT!!!! So, you ask, then why did you do it? Well, it was the yr 2009 and I truly didn’t know any better because there was no one around to inform me. And, it sounded like a Good Idea at the time based on what was told to me by the Dr’s. They constantly state that it can’t be removed, so for those who may have it, yes it can and I didn’t have to leave the state to do it. I had it removed a year

Angie’s Story

Hi my name is Angie and I’m 32 yrs old. I had the essure procedure done after I had my 2nd son. After the procedure was done and the pain meds wore off I was in MAJOR pain. Just wanted to curl up in a hole and die kind of pain. Let alone I was suppose to take meds before the procedure that was never called in nor was notified that I had to take prior meds. Its been 5yrs now and I have noticed many issues.  I have weight gain, fatigue, depression (medicated for now), anxiety, migraines that last for days, rashes/allergic reactions, and body pain. Body pain as in hard to walk sometimes and with the issue of

Beverly’s Story

Well I’ve had essure for about 3 1/2 years and did not realize that there were any problems for other people with this device. I have had severe cramps, bleeding at different times of the month, bloating, my legs swell and I just feel extremely tired most of the time. I thought that was just the way my body was going to be. I really haven’t been back to the doctor that did this procedure because she really stood behind it and promoted it. I have been getting worse and now that I’ve seen and have heard about these stories I am going to find out if this is the reason of my problems.  If so I shall have it

Mel’s Story

In 2006, I decided that I would get myself fixed because if I had anymore kids that it would debilitate me further having being diagnosed with a chronic pain condition called Fibromyalgia that I have suffered since 99. My doctor assured me that this procedure is safe and 99% accurate as a preventative against further pregnancies. So being a trusting patient and an Army spouse plus veteran that I would go through it. I was in and out of the hospital 1 to 2 hours later. I noticed I have been suffering with migranes but not until now did I  realize that maybe it is this process that the cause could be this surgery insertion of the Essure. I have

Shelly’s Story

I had it done in 2010 it took them 45 min to get the right side in. Left side was no prob. After I left I was in so much pain like I was in labor.  That was the start of a 5 month prob of constant bleeding and cramps. It was horrible. after three trips to the doctor and almost weekly phone calls to the doctor of complaining to her that something was wrong she did a ablsion to stop bleeding. I have never felt normal since having the essure, I am constantly tired. cramps,still bleeding not everyday but it’s still there.  Come to find out the doctor put the right side in wrong and didn’t even tell me.

Felicia’s Story

I  had my essure inserted in 2009 after giving birth to my third baby .I consulted with my then  obgyn regarding the  safest birth control opion. He informed me that  essure was the best because their is no pain and no surgery needed .Since the  essure was installed my life has been a living hell. I  have excruciating lower back /abdominal  pain and heavy bleeding and passing huge clots for  2weeks every month. I have gone to the dr for the pain, had numerous abdominal /pelvic  ultrasounds and CAT  scan. Finally after all the exams  my former obgyn stated that the pain ‘was all in my head ‘.I am so glad to hear that  I am not the only one going

Feyadia’s Story

I’m a 28yr old and I got the Essure procedure done in 2008. Everything was fine at first until about two years later. I had real heavy bleeding and pain so I ended up getting a urinary ablation. I thought that I would be fine but as time had gone by I have real serious bad pain in stomach and private area it feels like contractions. (I know) when I go to the ER they say that my body can’t contract without being pregnant but I know what I feel. I have sharp pains that shoot from my back to my vagina. I have this pain every other week. At times it gets so bad that I have to go